Up blog or website Google Adsense is a way to earn money online that promise . However , to be accepted google Adsense there are some requirements that you must meet first , because if your blog is not considered to meet the requirements , then your registration will not be accepted .

Why register at google Adsense it very difficult ?
Actually, to be accepted by Google Adsense was not hard , it's just that most of the bloggers ignore a number of requirements specified by a team of Google Adsense . how many times did you try and try , the results are still in denial where you do not meet all the requirements set by Google Adsense to prospective publisher .
In addition to Google Adsense , there is still a lot pihar online advertising to earn money from a blog and you do not have to depend on Google Adsense wrote. However , Google Adsense has advantages compared with other online advertising providers .

What are the requirements that must -have if you apply for a Google Adsense account to sign up ?

What and how to do tricks to get the Adsense account ?
No tricks phenomenal in registering your blog to google Adsense , if during this blog keeps you constantly rejected , it means that you ignore the important things as I discuss below .

The following are the steps used to prepare and do to register your blog on google Adsense in order to be accepted and not rejected .

Fill in your blog post content or at least less than 50 posts
To be acceptable in google adsense in you are required to complete 50 posts and less new stuff you start to register your blog .

You must post the original 100persen
Do you ever post the result of copy and paste , though you write the source link , it must be rejected .

Number of words in the post at least 250 words
Number of words in the post in required 250 words , if in your previous post less than 250 will not be accepted .

Age blog post you must be at least 6 months
Age blog posts bebahasa Indonesia is quite difficult to directly received , therefore your blog emotion berumukan 6 months to be accepted .

Your blog minimum of 100 visitors per day pengunjuang
Visitors to the blog you must be at least 100 visitors per day . if if less try memperbayak visitors on your blog .

Postinganpada blog you should not use other people's images have
When you use an image , let you upload the pictures on your blog so that accepted by google adsense .

Not allowed to use words that blend elements of adult
Google prohibits postings that contain elements of adult siblings or mingle pornography . should avoid it

Check the health of your blog to appear in search engines sehinggan
That in this health maksu is whether your blog appear in a google search or no found . kalu not registered you can register in http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl

When you register , fill in your name and full address lengap as on ID card
If not exactly the same as the ID card will dikemanakan results you get from google adsense